In 1994, a group of experts of the CNR Research Area in Milan (ARM) began to develop an index of telematic services and public information sites, developed and distributed on the Internet by CNR organizations. Until January 1997, the Center for the Study of Structure/Reactivity Relationships (CSRSRC) was the only Research Center of the ARM to have published its own website.
It was great fun to take care of the visual design, development and maintenance of the CSRSRC and ISTM websites during my free time in the years 1997 to 2012. This page is a reminder of that pastime.
The Institute of Molecular Science and Technologies (ISTM) was established on September 2000 by merging seven CNR Research Centres (four of which in Milano, two in Padova, and one in Perugia). The ISTM inherited both the headquarters and the website of the CSRSRC, which was one of the seven ancestors of the ISTM. More details are given in the following table.
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Please, click the logo to the left, to take a look on the evolution of the
ISTM website since 2002, thanks to the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
Also, click the following headings to view/hide a guided tour.
The ISTM home page in the years 2002 to 2004.The URL "" became active on the web on January 2002, while continuing to address the website of the CSRSRC.![]() However, after a while, the ugly home page of the ISTM was published on the web (end of January 2002) and updated one year later (2003): ![]() ![]() The online version of the PAMoC User's Manual can be found on each home page through the link sequences:
The ISTM home page in the years 2004 to 2006.![]() This page wasn't crawled correctly by the Internet Archive Wayback Machine, probably because of the introduction of frames. Therefore, the navigation links are reported below, for convenience.
The ISTM home page in the years 2007 to 2014 (March).Click the following image to get access at the archived version of the ISTM website (2007-2014): ![]() At this point, you certainly noticed that most of the links on the left menu are broken. However, clicking the yellow arrows on the far right of the three following menus recovers some of the unfiled pages. A corrupted copy of the ISTM website in the period 2007-2014 still survives at the following address: |
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The logo to the left provides a link to the Official Web Site of the
Institute of Molecular Science and Technologies
(ISTM), published on the www on April 1, 2014. Apparently, the site is still under construction, because links to pages describing many of the relevant research projects, which are well known to be active in the ISTM, are missing or hidden. |
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Click the logo to the left to take a look on the
CSRSRC website in the years 1997 to 2004. The CSRSRC is one
of the seven ancestors of the ISTM.
Unfortunately, the second link (in the line above) addresses an archived
version of the CSRSRC website whose images were lost during the crawling
process, together with some sub-pages. This is probably due to the short life
of the URL "" which was readily substituted by
the the URL
The visual design of the CSRSRC home page didn't change significantly till
March, 2002,
when a link to the
ISTM URL "" appeared, but curiously this URL was
still addressing the CSRSRC home page (though, after a while it changed to the
home page). |
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The CSRSRC logo to the left-hand side is a link to a newly reconstructed CSRSRC home page for an easy journey into the past. |