By using the method of u-substitution, [N5] let u = γ rk so that r = ( u γ )1⁄k and dr = (γ)−1⁄k (u)(1⁄k)−1 k du. Now substitute into the integrand, replacing all forms of r:
I(0) = (γ)−1⁄k k −∞ ∫ 0 (u)(1⁄k)−1 e−u du = (γ)−1⁄k k Γ ( 1 k ) = (γ)−1⁄k Γ (1 + 1 k ) | (E1.1) |
The improper integral in eq. (E1.1) is easily recognized as an Euler integral of the second kind[L1Euler integrals. Encyclopedia of Mathematics.], i.e. the gamma function Γ(1⁄k).[L2Wikipedia contributors, "Gamma function," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia., L3Weisstein, Eric W. "Gamma Function." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.]
Case k = 1: 1s-STO. For positive integers n, the gamma function is related to the factorial function: Γ(n) = (n − 1)!, so that for k = 1 the gamma function is Γ(2) = 1! = 1 and I(0) = 1 γ . The same result can be obtained by direct integration, after u-substitution (i.e. u = − γ r, from which r = − u⁄γ and dr = − 1⁄γ du):
I(0) =
e−γ r dr = − 1 γ −∞ ∫ 0 eu du = − 1 γ [eu ]−∞0 = − 1 γ ( lim u → −∞ eu − e0 ) = 1 γ | (E1.2) |
Case k = 2: 1s-GTO. The gamma function evaluated at k = 2 is [L2Wikipedia contributors, "Gamma function," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia., L3Weisstein, Eric W. "Gamma Function." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.] Γ ( 1 2 ) = √π and I(0) = 1 2 √ π γ . The value of Γ(z) at z = 1⁄2 can be evaluated using Euler's reflection formula [L4Weisstein, Eric W. "Reflection Relation." From MathWorld − A Wolfram Web Resource.]
Γ(z) Γ(1 − z) = π sin (π z) | (E1.3) |
The result can be proven by direct integration, after u-substitution (i.e. u2 = γ r2, from which r = √ 1 γ u and dr = √ 1 γ du):
I(0) = +∞ ∫ 0 e−r2 dr = √ 1 γ +∞ ∫ 0 e−u2 du | (E1.4) |
To derive the value for I(0), the following steps are used. First, the value of I(0) is squared. Second, the squared value is rewritten as a double integral. Third, the double integral is evaluated by transforming to polar coordinates. Fourth, the I(0) is explicitly solved for. The first two steps yield
I(0)2 =
e−x2 dx ×
e−y2 dy = 1 γ +∞ ∫ 0 +∞ ∫ 0 e−(x2 + y2) dx dy | (E1.5) |
where it has been taken into account that the integration variable u is silent, in the sense that it can be chosen freely and, if necessary, replaced with a symbol more appropriate to the context. The region which defines the first quadrant, is the region of integration for the integral in eq. (E1.5). The bivariate transformation x = r cos θ, y = r sin θ will transform the integral problem from cartesian coordinates, (x, y), to polar coordinates, (r, θ). These new variables will range from 0 ≤ r ≤ ∞ and 0 ≤ θ ≤ π⁄2 for the first quadrant. The Jacobian determinant of the transformation is
det |J| = det
| (E1.6) |
so that the area elements is
dx dy = r dr dθ | (E1.7) |
Hence, eq. (E1.5) can be written as
I(0)2 =
e−(x2 + y2) dx
dy =
e−r2 r dr
dθ = − 1 2 γ π/2 ∫ 0 dθ −∞ ∫ 0 eu du = − 1 2 γ [θ ]π/20 ⋅ [eu ]−∞0 = − 1 2 γ ( π 2 − 0 ) ( lim u → −∞ eu − e0 ) = − π 4 γ ( 0 − 1 ) = π 4 γ | (E1.8) |
where the substitution u = −r2, du = −2rdr, and dr = − 1 2 r du has been applied to solve the radial integral. Hence,
I(0) = 1 2 √ π γ | (E1.9) |
as it was anticipated.
Solution. The solution of this exercise is summarized by the following equation
I(0) = +∞ ∫ 0 e−γ rk dr = (γ)−1⁄k Γ (1 + 1 k ) = { 1 γ for k = 1 (STO), 1 2 √ π γ for k = 2 (GTO), | (E1.10) |
Start from the solution of Exercise 1, which gives the result for n = 0. Then use the Leibniz integral rule (which establishes that a derivative and an integral can be interchanged, allowing differentiation under the integral sign):[L5 Weisstein, Eric W. "Leibniz Integral Rule." From MathWorld − A Wolfram Web Resource.]
∂n ∂γn +∞ ∫ 0 e−γ rk dr = +∞ ∫ 0 ∂n ∂γn e−γ rk dr (k = 1, 2) | (E2.1) |
The n-th derivative of I(0) in eq. (E1.10) equals the product of the gamma function Γ (1 + 1 k ) times the n-th derivative of (γ)−1⁄k with respect to γ:
I(n) =
∂γn = (−1)n 1 k (1 + 1 k ) (2 + 1 k ) … (n − 1 + 1 k ) (γ)−1⁄k−n Γ (1 + 1 k ) = (−1)n 1⋅(k + 1)⋅(2k + 1)⋅(3k + 1)⋅…⋅[(n−1) k + 1] kn γ (nk+1)/k Γ (1 + 1 k ) = (−1)n [kn − (k − 1)]!(k) kn+1 γ (nk+1)/k Γ ( 1 k ) = (−1)n 1 k γ (nk+1)/k Γ (n + 1 k ) | (E2.2) |
where n!(k) denotes the k-th multifactorial of n [L6Weisstein, Eric W. "Multifactorial." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.] and some general properties of the gamma function have been used.[L7Wikipedia contributors, "Particular values of the gamma function," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.]
On the other hand, the n-th derivative of the integrand in eq. (E1.10) with respect to γ is
∂n ∂γn e−γ rk = (−1)n rnk e−γ rk | (E2.3) |
Finally, combining eq (E2.3) and the last equality of eq (E2.2) into eq (E2.1), you get the solution of the exercise:
+∞ ∫ 0 rnk e−γ rk dr = 1 k γ (nk+1)/k Γ (n + 1 k ) | (E2.4) |
which can be specified for k = 1 (STO):
+∞ ∫ 0 rn e−γ r dr = 1 γn+1 Γ(n + 1) = n! γn+1 | (E2.5) |
and for k = 2 (GTO):
+∞ ∫ 0 r2n e−γ r2 dr = 1 2 γ (2n+1)/2 Γ (n + 1 2 ) = (2n − 1)!! 2n+1 √ π γ2n+1 | (E2.6) |
Setting ½n → n in eq (E2.6) you get
+∞ ∫ 0 rn e−γ r2 dr = 1 2 γ (n+1)/2 Γ ( n + 1 2 ) = (n − 1)!! √ π 2(2γ)n+1 | (E2.7) |
In the eqs (E2.5-7) the identities Γ(n + 1) = n!, Γ (n + 1 2 ) = (2n − 1)!! 2n √π, and Γ ( n + 1 2 ) = (n − 1)!! 2n/2 √π have been used.
Exercise 3: Evaluate the normalization constant of a Slater-type orbital (STO, k = 1) and a Gaussian-type orbital (GTO, k = 2), expressed in spherical coordinates χn,ℓ,m(η,k; r,θ,φ) = Rn(η,k; r) Yℓ,m(θ,φ), where the Yℓ,m(θ,φ) are orthonormalized spherical harmonics, and Rn(η,k; r) = Nn(η,k) rn−1 e−η rk is the radial function, with Nn(η,k) being the normalization constant to be determined.The normalization constant of an atomic orbital χ(r) can be computed by imposing the condition
∫ ℝ3 |χ(r)|2 d3r = 1 | (E3.1) |
which, for STOs and GTOs in spherical coordinates, can be written as
∫ ℝ3 |Rn(η,k; r) Yℓ,m(θ,φ)|2 dV = +∞ ∫ 0 r2 |Rn(η,k; r)|2 dr π ∫ 0 2π ∫ 0 |Yℓ,m(θ,φ)|2 sinθ dθ dφ = 1 | (E3.2) |
+∞ ∫ 0 r2 |Rn(η,k; r)|2 dr = Nn(η,k)2 +∞ ∫ 0 r2n e−2η rk dr = 1 | (E3.3) |
From the last identity of the previous equation, you get
Nn(γ,k) = [ +∞ ∫ 0 r2n e−γ rk dr ]−1⁄2 | (E3.4) |
where γ = 2η. The values of the integral in eq (E3.4) for k = 1 and k = 2 are given by eqs (E2.5) and (E2.6), respectively. Hence
Nn(γ,k) = { √ γ2n+1 (2n)! for k = 1 (STO), √ 2n+1 (2n − 1)!! ( γ2n+1 π )1⁄4 for k = 2 (GTO), | (E3.5) |
(cf equations (5) and (10) in reference [1Gomes, A. S. P.; Custodio, R.
J. Comput. Chem.
2002, 23, 1007-1012.]).
The normalization constant of an atomic orbital χ(r) is computed by imposing the condition
∫ ℝ3 | χa,b,c(α; x,y,z) |2 d3r = 1 | (E4.1) |
Substituting χ(r) with its expression in Cartesian coordinates and observing that r2 = x2 + y2 + z2, the previous equation can be rearranged as follows:
| Na,b,c(α)
xa yb
e−α (x2 +y2 +
z2) |2
dx dy dz = = [ Na,b,c(α) ]2 +∞ ∫ −∞x2a e−2α x2 dx +∞ ∫ −∞y2b e−2α y2 dy +∞ ∫ −∞z2c e−2α z2 dz = = [ Na,b,c(α) ]2 Ix Iy Iz = 1 | (E4.2) |
According to eq (E2.6), the integral Ix is given by
Ix = +∞ ∫ −∞x2a e−2α x2 dx = 2 +∞ ∫ 0x2a e−2α x2 dx = (2a − 1)!! 2a √ π (2α)2a+1 | (E4.3) |
Similar expressions hold for the integrals Iy and Iz, so that eq (E4.2) can be rewritten as
[ Na,b,c(α) ]2 Ix Iy Iz = [ Na,b,c(α) ]2 (2a − 1)!! (2b − 1)!! (2c − 1)!! 2a+b+c √ π3 (2α)2(a+b+c)+3 = 1 | (E4.4) |
Hence (cf equation (12) in reference [1Gomes, A. S. P.; Custodio, R.
J. Comput. Chem.
2002, 23, 1007-1012.]):
Na,b,c(α) =
(2a − 1)!! (2b − 1)!!
(2c − 1)!!
= √ 22(a+b+c)+3⁄2 (2a − 1)!! (2b − 1)!! (2c − 1)!! αa+b+c+3⁄2 π3⁄2 | (E4.5) |
The solution (cf equation (7) in reference [1Gomes, A. S. P.; Custodio, R.
J. Comput. Chem.
2002, 23, 1007-1012.]) is
Na,b,c,k(ζ) = √ (2ζ)2k+1 (2k)! (2a + 2b + 2c + 1)!! 4π (2a − 1)!! (2b − 1)!! (2c − 1)!! | (E5.1) |
(− 1 2 ∇2 − Z r ) ❘χ〉 = E ❘χ〉 |
E = 〈 χ❘ − 1 2 ∇2 − Z r ❘χ 〉 〈χ❘χ〉 | (E6.1) |
Rn(ζ; r) = Nn(ζ) rn−1 e−ζ r | (E6.2) |
Nn(ζ) = √ (2ζ)2n+1 (2n)! | (E6.3) |
E =
Rn(ζ; r)❘−
∇2 −
❘Rn(ζ; r)
〈χn,ℓ,m(ζ; r,θ,φ)❘χn,ℓ,m(ζ; r,θ,φ)〉
= 〈 Rn(ζ; r)❘− 1 2 ∇2 − Z r ❘Rn(ζ; r) 〉 | (E6.4) |
En =
r2 −
= 〈 Rn(r)❘− ζ2 2 + n ζ − Z r − n (n − 1) 2 r2 ❘Rn(r) 〉 = − ζ2 2 〈Rn(r)❘Rn(r)〉 + (n ζ − Z) 〈Rn(r)❘r−1❘Rn(r)〉 − n (n − 1) 2 〈Rn(r)❘r−2❘Rn(r)〉 | (E6.5) |
〈Rn(r)❘Rn(r)〉 = 1 | (E6.6) |
〈Rn(r)❘r−1❘Rn(r)〉 = (2ζ)2n+1 (2n)! +∞ ∫ 0 r2n−1 e−2ζ r dr = (2ζ)2n+1 (2n)! ⋅ (2 n − 1)! (2 ζ)2n = ζ n | (E6.7) |
〈Rn(r)❘r−2❘Rn(r)〉 = (2ζ)2n+1 (2n)! +∞ ∫ 0 r2n−2 e−2ζ r dr = (2ζ)2n+1 (2n)! ⋅ (2 n − 2)! (2 ζ)2n−1 = 2 ζ2 n (2n − 1) | (E6.8) |
En =
2 +
ζ (n ζ − Z)
n −
(n − 1) ζ2
2n − 1
= ζ [n ζ − 2 (2n − 1) Z] 2 n (2n − 1) | (E6.9) |
d En d ζ = n ζ − (2n − 1) Z n (2n − 1) = 0 ⇒ ζ = 2n − 1 n Z | (E6.10) |
En = − Z2 2 n2 (2n − 1) | (E6.11) |
Exact hydrogenic wavefunctions and Slater-type
The exact solution of the time-independent Schrödinger equation for
hydrogenic atoms is described in many quantum-mechanical text-books (e.g. [5Leonard I. Schiff
McGraw-Hill, 1968, Chapter 16,
pp. 88-99.,
6Paul A. Tipler and Gene Mosca
“Physics for Scientists and Engineers: Extended Version”.
W. H. Freeman, 2003, Section 36-4, p. 1181.,
7David A. B. Miller
Mechanics for Scientists and Engineers”
Cambridge University
Press, 2008, Chapter 10, pp. 259-278.]) as well as on the
web (e.g. [L9?Rudi Winter
Schrödinger's equation for the hydrogen atom”
resource.]) and is not reported here. We simply mention that
the eigenfunctions can be factored as follows
ψn,ℓ,m(α; r,θ,φ) = Rn,ℓ(α; r) Yℓ,m(θ,φ) | (E6.12) |
Rn,ℓ(α; r) = Nn,ℓ(α) (2αr)ℓ L2ℓ+1n−ℓ−1(2αr) e−αr | (E6.13) |
Nn,ℓ(α) = √ (n − ℓ − 1)! 2n (n + ℓ)! (2 α)3 | (E6.14) |
n − ℓ − 1
n + ℓ
n − ℓ − q − 1
= n − ℓ − 1 ∑ q=0 (−1)q (n + ℓ)! (n − ℓ − q − 1)! (q + 2ℓ + 1)! q! (2αr)q | (E6.15) |
Rn,ℓ(α; r) = Nn,ℓ(α) n − ℓ − 1 ∑ q=0 (−1)q (n + ℓ)! (n − ℓ − q − 1)! (2ℓ + q + 1)! q! (2αr)ℓ+q e−αr | (E6.16) |
(2αr)ℓ+q e−αr = (2α)ℓ+q rℓ+q e−αr = (2α)ℓ+q Rℓ+q+1(α; r) Nℓ+q+1(α) | (E6.17) |
Rn,ℓ(α; r) = n−ℓ−1 ∑ q=0 uℓq(n) Rℓ+q+1(α; r) | (E6.18) |
ψn,ℓ,m(α; r,θ,φ) = n−ℓ−1 ∑ q=0 uℓq(n) χℓ+q+1,ℓ,m(α; r,θ.φ) | (E6.19) |
uℓq(n) =
(n + ℓ)!
(n − ℓ − q − 1)!
(2ℓ + q + 1)! q!
(2α)ℓ+q = (−1)q [2n (n + ℓ)! (n − ℓ − 1)! (2ℓ + 2q + 2)!]½ 2n (n − ℓ − q − 1)! (2ℓ + q + 1)! q! | (E6.20) |
Rnℓ | R1 | R2 | R3 | R4 | uℓq(n),(a) (q = 0, 1, 2, …, n−ℓ−1) |
R10 | 1 | (−1)q [2 (2q + 2)!]½ 2 (− q)! (1 + q)! q! , (q = 0) | |||
R20 | 1 | −√3 | (−1)q [2 (2q + 2)!]½ 2 (1 − q)! (1 + q)! q! , (q = 0, 1) | ||
R21 | 1 | (−1)q [6 (2q + 4)!]½ 2 (− q)! (3 + q)! q! , (q = 0) | |||
R30 | 1 | − 2 √3 | √10 | (−1)q [2 (2q + 2)!]½ (2 − q)! (1 + q)! q! , (q = 0, 1, 2) | |
R31 | 2 √6 3 | −√5 | (−1)q 2 [(2q + 4)!]½ (1 − q)! (3 + q)! q! , (q = 0, 1) | ||
R32 | 1 | (−1)q 2 [5 (2q + 6)!]½ (− q)! (5 + q)! q! , (q = 0) | |||
R40 | 1 | − 3 √3 | 3 √10 | −√35 | (−1)q 3 [2 (2q + 2)!]½ (3 − q)! (1 + q)! q! , (q = 0, 1, 2, 3) |
R41 | √5 | − 5 √6 2 | √21 | (−1)q [30 (2q + 4)!]½ (2 − q)! (3 + q)! q! , (q = 0, 1, 2) | |
R42 | 3 √2 2 | −√7 | (−1)q 3 [10 (2q + 6)!]½ (1 − q)! (5 + q)! q! , (q = 0, 1) | ||
R43 | 1 | (−1)q 3 [70 (2q + 8)!]½ (− q)! (7 + q)! q! , (q = 0) | |||
(a) Coefficient of Rℓ+q+1(Z⁄n). |
Rnℓ | exact hydrogenic orbital Rnℓ(α; r) = √ (n − ℓ − 1)! 2n (n + ℓ)! (2 α)3 (2αr)ℓ L2ℓ+1n−ℓ−1(2αr) e−αr α = Z n |
STO approximation Rn(ζ; r) = √ (2ζ)2n+1 (2n)! rn−1 e−ζ r | ||
ζ = Z n | ζ = (2n − 1) Z n | ζ = Z | ||
R1,0 ≡ R1s | 2 √Z3 e−Z r | 2 √Z3 e−Z r | 2 √Z3 e−Z r | 2 √Z3 e−Z r |
R2,0 ≡ R2s | √2 Z3 4 (2 − Z r) e−Z r/2 | √6 Z5 12 r e−Z r/2 | 9 √2 Z5 4 r e−3Z r/2 | 2 √3 Z5 3 r e−Z r |
R2,1 ≡ R2p | √6 Z5 12 r e−Z r/2 | |||
R3,0 ≡ R3s | 2 √3 Z3 27 (3 − 2Z r + 2 9 Z2 r2 ) e−Z r/3 | 2 √30 Z7 1215 r2 e−Z r/3 | 250 √6 Z7 243 r2 e−5Z r/3 | 2 √10 Z7 15 r2 e−Z r |
R3,1 ≡ R3p | √6 Z5 81 r (4 − 2 3 Z r ) e−Z r/3 | |||
R3,2 ≡ R3d | 2 √30 Z7 1215 r2 e−Z r/3 | |||
R4,0 ≡ R4s | √Z3 16 (4 − 3Z r + 1 2 Z2 r2 − 1 48 Z3 r3 ) e−Z r/4 | √35 Z9 26880 r3 e−Z r/4 | 2401 √5 Z9 3840 r3 e−7Z r/4 | 2 √35 Z9 105 r3 e−Z r |
R4,1 ≡ R4p | √15 Z5 192 r (4 − Z r + 1 20 Z2 r2 ) e−Z r/4 | |||
R4,2 ≡ R4d | √5 Z7 3840 r2 (12 − Z r) e−Z r/4 | |||
R4,3 ≡ R4f | √35 Z9 26880 r3 e−Z r/4 |
![]() |
The graphs of Figure E6.1 show that each time the quantum number n
increases, an additional node is created in the radial wavefunction.
This is made more clear in the upper graph of Figure E6.2, which shows the
ns radial wavefunctions Rn,s(r) of the
hydrogen atom. They differ from the
ns orbitals ψn,s(r,θ,φ) by
a constant angular factor, the spherical harmonic Y00 =
1/√4π. Therefore the ns orbitals
are all spherically symmetrical and, like the radial functions, they have
n − 1 radial nodes (spherical shells on which the wavefunction
equals zero). Each time the quantum number ℓ is increased (lower graph of Figure E6.2), one of the spherical nodes disappears again. It is replaced by a planar node that goes through the nucleus. In the ground state of the hydrogen atom, n = 1, the radial wavefunction is nodeless (i.e. all positive). Its maximum is at r = 0, i.e. the point in space with the highest (joint) probability density of finding the electron is actually inside the nucleus! This is true for all the ns orbitals, whose maximum value is at the origin of the radial coordinate. Therefore, only ℓ = 0 electrons have a finite (joint) probability density at the nucleus. |
At this point it is appropriate to spend a few words trying to overcome some misunderstanding about the position of the electron in the hydrogen atom. The statement that “the probability density of the electron's position in a ns orbital is maximal at the origin” refers to the Born rule, [LL5Born, M. “The statistical interpretation of quantum mechanics”, Nobel lecture, December 11, 1954.] which postulates that the probability density of finding a particle in some region is proportional to the square of the modulus of the wave function, e.g.
ρ1s(r,θ,φ) = |ψ1s(r,θ,φ)|2 = |R1,0(r)|2 |Y0,0(θ,φ)|2 = Z3 π e−2Z r | (E6.21) |
This is a joint probability density, where the word “joint”
stresses the fact that it is linked to the occurrence of a triple of values,
one for each of the three variables r, θ, φ.
When a joint probability density is multiplied by an infinitesimal volume
element (which in polar spherical coordinates is dV =
r2 sinθ dr
dθ dφ) gives the probability that the values
of the three variables r, θ, φ fall in that
infinitesimal volume element, i.e. the probability of finding the electron
there. This probability is infinitesimal, even if the volume element dV
is positioned at the origin, where the probability density is maximal.
Integrating the probability over a finite volume V yields the
electronic charge contained in V and, if V is extended to all
space, the total charge that amounts to 1e is retrieved, so satisfying
the normalization condition.
Thus, the probability of finding the electron in an infinitesimal volume
element can be written as
ρn,s(r,θ,φ) r2 sinθ dr dθ dφ = |ψn,s(r,θ,φ)|2 r2 sinθ dr dθ dφ | (E6.22) |
The use of spherical-polar coordinates is convenient because people are used to think of an atom as some sort of fuzzy ball of electrons around a small, central, heavy nucleus, and extend such a mental picture even to bonded atoms in molecules and crystals. In this case, the ns orbitals of the hydrogen atom are spherically-symmetrical (i.e. do not depend on θ and φ), so that integration of eq. (E6.22) over θ and φ gives 4π, the total solid angle of a sphere:
ρn,s(r) dr = |ψn,s(r)|2 r2 dr π ∫ 0 sinθ dθ 2π ∫ 0 dφ = 4π |ψn,s(r)|2 r2 dr | (E6.23) |
Eq. (E6.23) introduces a “marginal” probability density, namely the “radial” probability density:
ρn,s(r) = 4π |ψn,s(r)|2 r2 = 4π |Rn,0(r)|2 |Y0,0|2 r2 = |Rn,0(r)|2 r2 | (E6.24) |
Eq. (E6.24) can be generalized for all the permissible values of the quantum numbers n and ℓ, thanks to the form of the wave functions (ψn,ℓ,m or χn,ℓ,m) that are defined as the product of the orthonormalized real spherical harmonics, Yℓ,m(θ,φ), with a radial function, Rn,ℓ(α; r) or Rn(ζ; r):
ρn,ℓ(r) = |Rn,ℓ(r)|2 r2 π ∫ 0 2π ∫ 0 |Yℓ,m(θ,φ)|2 sinθ dθ dφ = |Rn,ℓ(r)|2 r2 | (E6.25) |
where the double integral expresses the normalization condition of the real spherical harmonics and is equal to one.
Rather than considering the probability of finding the electron in one particular small element of space, the radial density is associated to the probability of finding the electron in a spherical shell of space of infinitesimal thickness, 4π r2 dr (cf eq. E6.23).[N4Volume of a spherical shell of infinitesimal thickness] The plot of radial probability passes through zero at r = 0 since the surface area, 4π r2, the surface area of a sphere of zero radius is zero. As the radius of the sphere is increased, the surface area of the spherical shells increases. However, it increases more rapidly with increasing r than the joint electron probability density decreases, so that the radial probability has a maximum at rmax = a0, which is the Bohr radius for the n = 1 orbit (cf first graph in Figure E6.3). Thus more of the electronic charge is present at a distance a0, out from the nucleus than at any other value of r.
Where is the electron in a hydrogen atom? Most probable point for finding an electron in the 1s orbital of a Hydrogen atom<r>n.ℓ = +∞ ∫ 0 r ρn,ℓ(r) dr | (E7.1) |
<rm>n.ℓ = +∞ ∫ 0 rm ρn,ℓ(r) dr | (E7.2) |
<rm>n.ℓ = +∞ ∫ 0 rm+2 |Rn,ℓ(r)|2 dr = (n − ℓ − 1)! 2n (n + ℓ)! (2 α)3 +∞ ∫ 0 rm+2 (2αr)2ℓ [L2ℓ+1n−ℓ−1(2αr)]2 e−2αr dr | (E7.3) |
L2ℓ+1n−ℓ−1(s) = n−ℓ ∑ q=1 (−s)q−1 tq | (E7.4) |
tq = (n + ℓ)! [ (n − ℓ − q)! (q + 2ℓ)! (q − 1)! ]−1 (q = 1, 2, 3, …, n−ℓ) | (E7.5) |
<rm>n.ℓ =
(n − ℓ − 1)!
(n + ℓ)!
2m+1 Zm
s2ℓ+2q+m e−s
(−1)p+q tptq
s2ℓ+p+q+m e−s
= nm−1 (n − ℓ − 1)! (n + ℓ)! 2m+1 Zm ( n−ℓ ∑ q=1 tq2 (2ℓ + 2q + m)! + 2 n−ℓ ∑ q=2 q−1 ∑ p=1 (−1)p+q tptq (2ℓ + p + q + m)! ) | (E7.6) |
<rm>n.n−1 = nm (2n + m)! (2n)! 2m Zm | (E7.7) |
<r>10 = 3 2 Z, <r>21 = 5 Z, <r>32 = 21 2 Z, <r>43 = 18 Z, … | (E7.8) |
<r2>10 = 3 Z2, <r2>21 = 30 Z2, <r2>32 = 126 Z2, <r2>43 = 360 Z2, … | (E7.9) |
t12 (2ℓ + 2 + m)! =
4 (n − 1)2 (2n + m − 2)! t22 (2ℓ + 4 + m)! = (2n + m)! = (2n + m) (2n + m − 1) (2n + m − 2)! − 2t1t2 (2ℓ + 3 + m)! = − 4 (n − 1) (2n + m − 1)! = − 4 (n − 1) (2n + m − 1) (2n + m − 2)! |
<rm>n.n−2 = nm−1 (2n + m − 2)! [2n + m(m + 3)] (2n − 2)! 2m+1 Zm | (E7.10) |
<r>20 = 6 Z, <r>31 = 25 2 Z, <r>42 = 21 Z, … | (E7.11) |
<r2>20 = 42 Z2, <r2>31 = 180 Z2, <r2>42 = 504 Z2, … | (E7.12) |
<r>n,ℓ = 3n2 − ℓ(ℓ + 1) 2Z | (E7.13) |
<r2>n,ℓ = n2 [ 5 n2 − 3 ℓ(ℓ + 1) + 1 ] 2 Z2 | (E7.14) |
The standard deviation, i.e. the square root of the variance, of the electron's distribution in the radial direction, σr;n,ℓ, has the following expression:
σr;n,ℓ = √<r2>n,ℓ − <r>n,ℓ2 = √ n2 (n2 + 2) − ℓ2 (ℓ + 1)2 2 Z | (E7.15) |
ω−1 <rm>n.ℓ
e−s ds = (2ℓ + m + 2)! n−ℓ−1 ∑ q=0 ( m + 1 n − ℓ − q − 1 )2 ( 2ℓ + m + q + 1 q ) |
<rm>n.ℓ =
(m + 1)!
(n − ℓ − 1)!
(ℓ + m − n + 2)!
(2ℓ + m +2)! + ( (m + 1)! (n − ℓ − 2)! (ℓ + m − n + 3)! )2 (2ℓ + m + 3)! 1! + ( (m + 1)! (n − ℓ − 3)! (ℓ + m − n + 4)! )2 (2ℓ + m + 4)! 2! + … + ( (m + 1)! (n − ℓ − q − 1)! (m + ℓ − n + q + 2)! )2 (2ℓ + m + q + 2)! q! + … + ( (m + 1)! m! )2 (n + ℓ + m)! (n − ℓ − 2)! + (n + ℓ + m + 1)! (n − ℓ − 1)! |
Using Slater-type orbitals. If eq. (E7.2) is written in terms of STOs, it yields
<rm>n = +∞ ∫ 0 rm+2 |Rn(r)|2 dr = (2ζ)2n+1 (2n)! +∞ ∫ 0 r2n+m e− 2 ζ r dr = (2n + m)! (2n)! (2ζ)m | (E7.16) |
where the last equality is justified by eq. (E2.5). Eq. (E7.16) can be rewritten explicitly for cases where m = 1 or 2:
<r>n = 2n + 1 2ζ | (E7.17) |
<r2>n = (2n + 1) (2n + 2) 4 ζ2 | (E7.18) |
The standard deviation, i.e. the square root of the variance, of the electron's distribution in the radial direction, σr;n, has the following expression:
σr;n = √<r2>n − <r>n2 = √ 2n + 1 2 ζ | (E7.19) |
From eqs (E7.17) and (E7.19) it follows that the relative error on the average distance of the electron from the nucleus is σr;n <r>n = 1 √ 2n + 1 , which for n = 1 is equal to 57.7%
The numerical values of first and second moments with the associated standard deviation, calculated by means of eqs (E7.13-15) and (E7.17-19), are compared in Table E7.1.
n,ℓ | exact hydrogenic orbitals | Slater-type orbitals | ||||
Z <r>n,ℓ | Z2 <r2>n,ℓ | Z σr;n,ℓ | ζ <r>n | ζ2 <r2>n | ζ σr;n | |
1,0 | 1.5 | 3 | 0.87 | 1.5 | 3 | 0.87 |
2,0 | 6 | 42 | 2.45 | 2.5 | 7.5 | 1.12 |
2,1 | 5 | 30 | 2.24 | |||
3,0 | 13.5 | 207 | 4.97 | 3.5 | 14 | 1.32 |
3,1 | 12.5 | 180 | 4.87 | |||
3,2 | 10.5 | 126 | 3.97 | |||
4,0 | 24 | 648 | 8.49 | 4.5 | 22.5 | 1.50 |
4,1 | 23 | 600 | 8.43 | |||
4,2 | 21 | 504 | 7.94 | |||
4,3 | 18 | 360 | 6.00 |
d [r Rn,ℓ(r)] dr = 0 | (E8.1) |
d [r R1s(r)] dr = d dr ( 2 √Z3 e−Z r ) = 2 √Z3 e−Z r (1 − Z r) = 0 ⇒ rmax = 1 Z | (E8.2) |
d [r R2s(r)] dr = d dr ( √2 Z3 4 (2r − Z r2) e−Z r/2 ) = √2 Z3 8 (Z2 r2 − 6 Z r + 4) e−Z r/2 = 0 ⇒ rmax = 3 ± √5 Z | (E8.3) |
The two possible solutions indicate the presence of two humps in the radial probability density for the 2s orbital (cf the upper-right graph of Figure E6.3).
For the 2p state of hydrogen, a similar analysis yields,
d [r R2s(r)] dr = d dr ( √6 Z5 12 r2 e−Z r/2 ) = √6 Z5 24 (4 r − Z r2) e−Z r/2 = 0 | (E8.4) |
with the obvious roots rmin = 0 and rmax = 4 Z. Thus, the most probable distances of the electron from the nucleus for the 1s and 2p states are the same predicted by the simple Bohr model for the radius of the first and second orbits. As in the case of the ground state, the most probable value of r in the 2s and 2p states is lower than the average value.
As usual, it is worth to compare the results for the hydrogenic orbitals with those that can be obtained using Slater-type orbitals:
d [r Rn(r)] dr = d dr ( √ (2ζ)2n+1 (2n)! rn e−ζ r ) = √ (2ζ)2n+1 (2n)! rn−1 (n − ζ r) e−ζ r = 0 | (E8.5) |
with the obvious roots rmin = 0 and rmax = n ζ (cf the graph on the right in Figure E6.4). Again the value of rmax is lower than the average value and the following relationship holds:
rmax,n = 2 n 2 n + 1 <r>n | (E8.6) |
Mr(s) = E(es r) = +∞ ∫ 0 es r ρ(r) dr = γ3 2 +∞ ∫ 0 e−(γ−s)r r2 dr = γ3 (γ − s)3 |
dn d sn Mr(s) = dn d sn [γ (γ − s)−1]3 = n! 2 (γ − s)n |
dn d sn Mr(s)❘s=0 = n! 2 γn. |
〈rn〉 ≡ E(rn) = +∞ ∫ 0 rn ρ(r) dr = γ3 2 +∞ ∫ 0 e−γ r rn+2 dr = n! 2 γn. |
❘Φ〉 = ( 2α π )3⁄4 e−α r2 | (t) |
〈Φ❘Φ〉 =
e−2α r2
r2 dr
sinθ dθ
= ( 2α π )3⁄2 ⋅ π½ 4 (2 α)3/2 ⋅ 4 π = 1 | (u) |
E =
r2 −
Φ❘− 2
α2 r2 + 3 α −
= 4 π ( 2α π )3⁄2 ( − 2 α2 +∞ ∫ 0 e−2α r2 r4 dr + 3 α +∞ ∫ 0 e−2α r2 r2 dr − Z +∞ ∫ 0 r e−2α r2 dr ) = 4 π ( 2α π )3⁄2 [ 3 16 ( π 2 α )1⁄2 − Z 4 α ] = 1 2 ( 3 α − 8 Z √ α 2 π ) | (v) |
3 − 4 Z √ 2 π α = 0 ⇒ α = 8 Z2 9 π = 0.28294246 Z2 | (w) |
( 2α π )3⁄4 = 8 ( Z 3 π )3⁄2 = 0.27649271 Z3/2 | (x) |
ρ1s(r) =
r2 exp
16 Z2
9 π
| (y) |
Name H Run Type SinglePoint Method ROHF Basis Set Slater
H (CENTRE 1) 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 CHARGE = 1.0
EXPONENTS 1.0000000E+00
MO 1 OCC NO = 1.00000000 ORB. ENERGY = -0.5
THE SCF ENERGY = -0.500000000000 THE VIRIAL(-V/T)= 2.00000000
Name H Run Type SinglePoint Method ROHF Basis Set STO-1G
H (CENTRE 1) 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 CHARGE = 1.0
EXPONENTS 0.2829425E+00
MO 1 OCC NO = 1.00000000 ORB. ENERGY = -0.42441369
THE SCF ENERGY = -0.424413690000 THE VIRIAL(-V/T)= 2.00000000
![]() |
Working in spherical coordinates, the diagram on the left enable us to
calculate the infinitesimal volume element as
dA = r2 sinθ dθ dφ |
A =
sphere dA =
sinθ dθ
= R2 ⋅ [−cosθ ]π0 ⋅ [φ ]2π0 = 4 π R2 |
![]() |
A plane angle, α, is made up of the lines that from two points A
and B meet at a vertex V: it is defined by the arc length (red
curve in the figure on the left) of a circle subtended by the lines and by the
radius R of that circle (dotted red lines),[4A. V. Arecchi, T. Messadi, and R. J. Koshel “Field Guide to Illumination” SPIE Press, Bellingham, WA, 2007, p. 2.] as shown on the left. The dimensionless unit of plane angle is the radian. The value in radians of a plane angle α is the ratio
4A. V. Arecchi, T. Messadi, and R. J. Koshel “Field Guide to Illumination” SPIE Press, Bellingham, WA, 2007, p. 2.] as shown in the Figure on the right. The dimensionless unit of solid angle is the steradian. The measure in steradians of a solid angle Ω is the area A on the surface of a sphere of radius R divided by the radius squared,
Concisely, the solid angle Ω subtended by a surface S is defined as the surface area Ω of a unit sphere covered by the surface’s projection onto the sphere.[L4Weisstein, E. W. "Solid Angle," From MathWorld - A Wolfram Web Resource.] That’s a very complicated way of saying the following: You take a surface, like the bright red circle in the figure on the right. Then you project the edge of the circle (but in general it could be any closed curve) to the center of a sphere of any radius R. The projection intersects the sphere and forms a surface area A. Then you calculate the surface area of your projection and divide the result by the radius squared. That's it. |
A solid angle is made up from all the lines that from a closed curve meet at
a vertex: it is defined by the surface area A of a sphere subtended by
the lines and by the radius R of that sphere,[
![]() |
dΩ = sinθ dθ dφ |
Ω = ∫ Ω dΩ = π ∫ 0 sinθ dθ 2π ∫ 0 dφ = [−cosθ ]π0 ⋅ [φ ]2π0 = 4 π |
dV | = 4 3 π (r + dr)3 − 4 3 π r3 | |
= 4 3 π (r3 + 3r2dr + 3r dr2 + dr3 − r3 | (N1.1) | |
= 4 3 π (3r2dr + 3r dr2 + dr3) | ||
≈ 4 π r2dr |
d V d r = 4 π r2 ⇒ d V = 4 π r2 d r | (N1.2) |
Yℓm(θ,φ) = (−1)m Nℓm Pℓm(cosθ) eimφ | (N7.1) |
2π ∫ 0 dφ π ∫ 0 Yℓm(θ,φ) Yℓ'm'*(θ,φ) sinθ dθ = δℓℓ' δmm' | (N7.2) |
Nℓm = √ 2ℓ + 1 4 π ⋅ (ℓ − |m|)! (ℓ + |m|)! | (N7.3) |
Yℓm(θ,φ) = Mℓm Uℓm(θ,φ) | (N7.4) |
Uℓm(θ,φ) = Pℓ|m|(cosθ) { cos(|m|φ), m ≥ 0 sin(|m|φ), m < 0 | (N7.5) |
Mℓm = Nℓm √ 2 − δ|m|,0 = √ 2ℓ + 1 4 π ⋅ (2 − δ|m|,0) ⋅ (ℓ − |m|)! (ℓ + |m|)! | (N7.6) |
“Again an idea of Einstein's gave me the lead. He had tried to make the duality of particles - light quanta or photons - and waves comprehensible by interpreting the square of the optical wave amplitudes as probability density for the occurrence of photons. This concept could at once be carried over to the ψ-function: |ψ|2 ought to represent the probability density for electrons (or other particles).”