The Power Tool for
Charge Density Analysis
PAMoC, an acronym for Properties of Atoms in Molecules and Crystals, is a complete system of programs for the analysis of experimental and theoretical electron charge density distributions. It can be used for the study of such diverse fields as organic and inorganic chemistry, crystallography, pharmacochemistry and biochemistry. PAMoC is dedicated to providing easy-to-learn and easy-to-use electron density analysis tools for chemistry researchers. It is simple, fast, robust, and accurate. As distinct from other commonly used packages, the emphasis is on providing a tool to extract the biggest amount of information from a given set of experimental or theoretical results with the least effort for the user, so that working with PAMoC is quite easy and exciting even to the unexperienced user. Submitting an Interface Data File (IDF) to PAMoC is the easiest way to get started. The results are presented with a clear, self-explaining, structured and attractive lay-out of the text in the output files. Graphical facilities are also provided.
A Summary of PAMoC Features